Tribute to the Masters of Past Life Regression Therapy

Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D., a true luminary in the realm of Past Life Regression Therapy, shines brightly as the master of this transformative approach. With his exceptional blend of scholarly expertise, captivating charisma, genuine compassion, and grounded demeanor, he has become the guiding sun in the field. However, let us not overlook the countless other masters who, though they may seem as feeble as stars in comparison, have made profound contributions to this discipline.

In the days before Google and instant information, these masters, whether certified psychologists or psychiatrists, stumbled upon the undeniable power of Past Life Regression Therapy. Initially taken aback by its efficacy, they embarked on rigorous research and conducted inquiries to validate what they were witnessing – a therapy that brought healing to their patients, who had previously found little relief through conventional means.

These pioneers, driven by their unwavering dedication to understanding the human mind and spirit, delved into the depths of past lives and unlocked the doors to profound healing and personal transformation. Through their tireless efforts, they brought this ancient wisdom to light, uncovering the immense potential for healing and growth that lies within each individual’s past life experiences.

As we pay tribute to Dr. Brian Weiss and his remarkable contributions, let us also honor the unsung heroes – those trailblazing masters who, against the odds, embraced the power of Past Life Regression Therapy and shared it with the world. They lit the way for countless therapists, researchers, and individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the human experience.

Their collective wisdom and groundbreaking work have laid the foundation for the proven Amarantos® 15-Stage PLRT Process, inspiring generations of practitioners to explore the realms of consciousness, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of our past and present lives. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their unwavering commitment to helping others and their relentless pursuit of truth and healing.

In this tribute to the masters at Amarantos we celebrate their remarkable contributions and honor their legacy. May their brilliance continue to guide us as we explore the vast mysteries of the human psyche and embark on our own journeys of self-discovery and transformation.

Amarantos stands as a testament to the enduring impact of these masters, as we strive to carry forward their teachings, expand our knowledge, and advance the flourishing field of Past Life Regression Therapy.

Together, we embrace their wisdom, standing on the shoulders of giants, and continue to illuminate the path toward healing, growth, and the realization of our highest potential. Let’s now pay homage to each one of them, shall we?

Maharishi Patanajli

Maharishi Patanjali | Compiler of Yoga sutras -- The authoritarian treatise on Yoga

Patanjali, an ancient sage and philosopher, is widely recognized as one of the most prominent figures in the field of yoga and spiritual philosophy. His work, known as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, provides a comprehensive guide to the practice and understanding of yoga, including various techniques and principles for spiritual growth and self-realization.

One concept attributed to Patanjali is “prati-prasav,” which can be translated as “reverse birthing” or “going back to the source.” It refers to the process of exploring and healing past traumas or unresolved issues that may be stored in one’s subconscious mind or even in past lives. The idea behind prati-prasav is that by revisiting and resolving these experiences, individuals can release emotional and psychological blockages, leading to profound healing and personal transformation.

In the context of the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT, the practice of prati-prasav is integral to this process. By guiding individuals into a deep state of mediation (Samadhi) and focused awareness, certified practitioners facilitate a journey into the subconscious mind, allowing clients to access and explore past life memories and experiences.

During a prati-prasav session, clients are encouraged to delve into the depths of their subconscious, guided by the trained facilitator. Through a series of questions and prompts, the practitioner helps the client connect with past life memories, emotions, and insights that may be relevant to their current life challenges and patterns.

The process of prati-prasav in the Amarantos is conducted with great care and sensitivity. Practitioners create a safe and supportive environment for clients to explore their past lives, ensuring that they feel comfortable and supported throughout the experience. The goal is to facilitate deep healing, self-discovery, and personal growth by addressing the core issues and unresolved traumas that may be impacting an individual’s current life.

Prati-prasav sessions at the Amarantos are based on the belief that the exploration and healing of past life experiences can lead to profound shifts in consciousness, allowing individuals to release old patterns, overcome fears, and create positive change in their lives. By working through past life memories and experiences, individuals gain insights, clarity, and a greater understanding of their current life circumstances.

It’s important to note that prati-prasav is not limited to past life regression; it can also involve exploring memories and experiences from the current lifetime, including childhood traumas, prenatal experiences, and even experiences in the womb. The goal is to uncover and heal any unresolved issues that may be contributing to emotional, mental, or physical challenges in the present.

Ancient Greek Philosophers

Ancient Greek Beliefs in Past Lives and Reincarnation
Ancient Greek Beliefs in Past Lives and Reincarnation

The concept of past lives and reincarnation has long fascinated humanity, and ancient Greek philosophers were no exception. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras, among others, explored the idea of the soul’s journey through multiple lifetimes. Their philosophical musings on the nature of the soul and its immortality have had a profound influence on the methods employed at Amarantos®. 

1. Socrates:
Socrates, the iconic philosopher of ancient Greece, believed in the immortality of the soul and the possibility of reincarnation. He saw death as a mere transition, a separation of the soul from the physical body. Socrates famously stated, “I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence” (Plato’s Phaedo).

2. Plato:
Plato, a student of Socrates, further developed the concept of past lives and the transmigration of souls. In his dialogue “Phaedrus,” Plato presents the idea that the soul is eternal and has knowledge of eternal truths that it recollects from previous lives. He also explores the notion that the soul chooses its next life based on moral choices and desires. Plato’s teachings laid the foundation for the belief in reincarnation as a means for soul development and growth.

3. Aristotle:
While Aristotle focused more on the present life and the pursuit of virtue, he acknowledged the concept of souls existing before and after physical life. He posited that the soul is the vital force that animates living beings and that it is separate from the body. Aristotle’s teachings contributed to the understanding that the soul is not bound to a single lifetime but has a continuous existence beyond death.

4. Pythagoras:
Pythagoras, known for his mathematical and philosophical contributions, was deeply interested in the concept of reincarnation. He believed in metempsychosis, the transmigration of souls from one body to another. Pythagoras saw life as a process of purification and learning, where the soul evolves through different incarnations. He stated, “All things change, nothing is extinguished… and to depart is to change, not to die” (Diogenes Laërtius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers).

We integrate the wisdom of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras into our practices and teachings. By embracing the belief in past lives and reincarnation, the 15- Stage PLRT Process by Amarantos provides individuals with a framework to explore their spiritual journeys, heal unresolved issues, and seek personal transformation.

The Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT process is deeply influenced by these philosophical masters and utilizes their teachings to facilitate sessions and guide individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. By embracing the wisdom of the ancient Greeks, we strive to offer a unique approach to spiritual exploration and personal growth.

The Greeks called this technique as "Dream Incubation" And Assyrians called it "Istiqara"

Buddha's Past Lives - Jataka Tales

Buddha remembering all this past lives before attaining nirvana
Buddha remembering all this past lives before attaining nirvana

The blessed experiences of Siddhartha Gautama or Sakyamuni or Buddha, with their emphasis on karma, reincarnation, and the remembrance of past lives, serve as a guiding force in our approach to PLRT. They inspire individuals to delve into their past life memories, unravel the mysteries of their soul’s journey, and ultimately find healing and enlightenment along the way.

At Amarantos, PLRT is rooted in the belief that the soul evolves through multiple lifetimes, with each life offering valuable lessons and experiences. This concept of the evolution of the soul and the remembrance of past lives has been present in various spiritual traditions throughout history. One such notable example is found in the life of Buddha.

Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, achieved enlightenment and became the founder of Buddhism. Before attaining enlightenment, Buddha underwent a profound spiritual journey that involved the recollection of his past lives. This ability to remember past lives is referred to as “jati smaran” in Buddhist tradition and is recorded in the form of Jataka tales.

The Jataka tales recount the stories of Buddha’s past lives, highlighting the lessons and moral teachings associated with each incarnation. These tales serve as a powerful testament to the belief in reincarnation and the interconnectedness of life experiences across different lifetimes.

The philosophies of karma and reincarnation, central to Buddhism, form the basis of Amarantos’ 15-stage PLRT process. Karma, the law of cause and effect, suggests that our actions in past lives determine our present circumstances. By exploring past lives through PLRT, individuals gain insights into the karmic patterns and unresolved issues that influence their current life situations.

We are influenced by the teachings of Buddha and the principles of Buddhism, integrates these concepts into the 15-stage PLRT process aiming at guiding the individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. It assists in uncovering past life memories, understanding karmic patterns, and resolving deep-seated issues that may be hindering spiritual progress.

By recognizing PLRT as a natural occurrence on the evolutionary path of the soul, Amarantos embraces the idea that exploring past lives can provide valuable insights, healing, and spiritual evolution. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of our life experiences across multiple lifetimes and empowers individuals to embark on a transformative journey towards Nirvana. 

Do you want to learn this Buddhistic Meditation Technique? Click here. 

Bhagvan Mahavira

Bhagvan Sri Mahavira Past Life Recollection Technique know as Anupreksha Dhyan.
Bhagvan Sri Mahavira Past Life Recollection Technique know as Anupreksha Dhyan.

In Jainism, a similar concept to past life regression therapy can be found in the practice of “Anupreksha” or “Anupreksha Dhyan.” Anupreksha is a form of contemplative meditation that aims to delve into one’s past lives and karmic influences.

Through Anupreksha, practitioners engage in deep introspection, reflection, and visualization to gain insight into their past lives and understand the karmic patterns that influence their present existence. The practice involves focusing the mind, detaching from the external world, and exploring the subconscious to uncover past life memories and their associated karmic effects.

Jainism, with its emphasis on karma and the cycle of birth and rebirth, recognizes the significance of understanding past lives as a means of spiritual growth and liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. By exploring past life experiences and recognizing the karmic debts and merits accumulated, individuals can seek to resolve unresolved issues, make amends, and cultivate positive qualities to purify their soul and progress on the path of spiritual enlightenment.

It is important to note that the practice of Anupreksha or exploring past lives in Jainism is undertaken with the intention of self-reflection, self-transformation, and ultimately, liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It is seen as a means to develop detachment, cultivate non-attachment to the physical body, and deepen one’s spiritual understanding.

The practice of Anupreksha in Jainism provides the base for the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT framework for individuals to explore their past lives, understand karmic influences, and work towards spiritual liberation.

Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism

Bible Christ & Reincarnation
Bible Christ & Reincarnation

Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism acknowledge the After Life and immortality of the soul. 

Certain Jewish mystics, such as those following Kabbalah or Hasidic teachings, explore metaphysical concepts that touch on the idea of past lives or the transmigration of souls.

Matthew 17:10-13 recounts a conversation between Jesus and his disciples regarding the prophet Elijah. The passage goes as follows:

“The disciples asked him, ‘Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?’ Jesus replied, ‘To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.’ Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.”

In this passage, Jesus refers to the coming of Elijah and states that Elijah has already come, but the people did not recognize him. Some interpret this as a reference to the concept of Elijah reincarnating or returning in a different form.

Zoroastrianism acknowledges the existence of AfterLife. It is important to note that Zoroastrianism has a rich and complex theological tradition with various interpretations and sects. Some individuals or groups within Zoroastrianism may have alternative views on reincarnation or may incorporate ideas related to past lives in their spiritual beliefs.

“There were indeed references to reincarnation in the Old and the New Testaments. In A.D 325 the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, along with his mother, Helena, had deleted references to reincarnation contained in the New Testament.


The Second Council of Constantinople meeting in A.D.553, confirmed this action and declared the concept of reincarnation a heresy.


Apparently, they thought that this concept would weaken the growing power of the Church by giving humans too much time to seek their salvation. Yet the original references had been there; the early Church fathers had accepted the concept of reincarnation. The early Gnostics- Clement of Alexandria, Origen,Saint Jerome and many others – believed that they have lived before and would again.” 

–Dr. Brian Weiss, (Many Lives, Many Masters, Chapter 3; page:35-36.)

Master Edgar Cayce

The Hero Of Amarantos -- Master Edgar Cayce
Master Edgar Cayce

The Amarantos Foundation has been profoundly influenced by the works of Master Edgar Cayce, who holds the record for being the highest documented seer in the world. His remarkable abilities to access information beyond the physical realm have left an indelible mark on the field of PLRT

One of the most profound books on Edgar Cayce’s work is “Many Mansions” by Dr. Gina Cerminara. This insightful book delves into Cayce’s readings and explores the depths of his wisdom, offering invaluable insights into the realms of past lives and reincarnation. It serves as a cornerstone in understanding the transformative power of this therapy.

The teachings and revelations of Edgar Cayce, as conveyed in “Many Mansions” and his numerous recorded sessions, have significantly shaped the approach and philosophy of the Amarantos Foundation. His emphasis on the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, and the importance of healing past life issues, resonates deeply with the foundation’s commitment to holistic healing and personal growth.

By honoring Edgar Cayce’s remarkable contributions and the wisdom captured in “Many Mansions,” the Amarantos Foundation continues to embrace his legacy. It integrates his insights into its training programs, research endeavors, and therapeutic practices, enriching the field of PLRT with his profound teachings.

As the foundation strives to facilitate healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth, it stands on the shoulders of Edgar Cayce, drawing inspiration from his extraordinary gifts and his dedication to helping others uncover the mysteries of their past lives.

There is an ocean of material on and by this Master (he gave 14,400 readings over his lifetime) But lucky for us, only and only at Amarantos are we told about the amazing “Autobiography” that he penned and it’s now made available to benefit from for free here

“Kneeling by my bed that night, I prayed again that God would show me that He loved me, that He would give me the ability to do sometime for my fellow man which would show to them His Love....”

Dr. Gina Cerminara

Dr. Gina Cerminara
Dr. Gina Cerminara

Dr. Gina Cerminara is a highly respected figure in this field and has had a profound influence on Dr. Venu Murthy in his formative years. Her extensive knowledge and deep understanding of the work of Edgar Cayce have made her a prominent authority in the field.

With her book “Many Mansions,” Dr. Cerminara delves into the profound teachings and insights of Edgar Cayce, offering a comprehensive exploration of past lives and reincarnation. Her meticulous research and thoughtful analysis have shed light on the potential for healing and personal growth.

We are ever grateful to Dr. Gina Cerminara for her significant contributions to the understanding, expertise and dedication to exploring the depths of the human psyche which has greatly influenced the foundation’s approach and philosophy.

As we continue on our mission to promote healing, transformation, and spiritual growth through PLRT, it remains deeply grateful for Dr. Gina Cerminara’s invaluable contributions and the lasting impact she has made on us. Her legacy lives on through Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process, inspiring practitioners and individuals alike to explore the depths of their past lives and unlock their fullest potential.

Paul Brunton

Paul Brunton and Past Life Regression
Paul Brunton and Past Life Regression

Raphael Hurst–
A British theosophist and spiritualist who used the pen name of “Paul Brunton” a renowned British author and philosopher, played a significant role in introducing the teachings of spiritual masters like Sri Ramana Maharshi to the world. His encounters with Maharshi and his deep exploration of Eastern philosophies greatly influenced his own spiritual journey and writings.

Brunton’s travels and studies led him to various spiritual traditions, including “Yogi’s technique to tap into past lives”. He was fascinated by the concept of past lives and reincarnation and recognized the potential for healing and self-discovery through accessing these memories.

Drawing upon his own experiences and the wisdom he gathered from spiritual masters, Brunton embarked on a mission to share this knowledge with others. His writings and teachings emphasized the transformative power of meditation and the exploration of past lives as a means to achieve profound healing and personal growth.

At Amarantos guided by the principles of past life regression therapy and drawing upon various spiritual traditions, including Buddhism, and based on these insights and techniques we are able to facilitate 100% healing for individuals seeking profound transformation and resolution of deep-seated issues.

Through the integration of meditation practices, including the Buddhist meditation technique to tap into past lives, Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT provides a holistic approach to healing. By delving into the depths of one’s consciousness and accessing past life memories, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their current challenges, relationships, and personal growth.

The teachings of Paul Brunton, coupled with the wisdom of spiritual masters like Sri Ramana Maharshi, have greatly influenced the methodologies and practices employed by us, we embrace the belief that by exploring past lives and integrating spiritual insights, individuals can achieve profound healing and self-realization.

“The, doctrine of successive re-embodiments of the soul, Which Pythagoras called metempsychosis and which the Buddhists and Hindus of Asia call re-birth, is as old as the oldest pre-historic people which ever existed.” --Paul Brunton

Josef Breuer & Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud's Free Association in PLRT
Dr. Sigmund Freud | Austrian Neurologist | Founder of Psychoanalysis

In the annals of psychology, two remarkable figures emerge as trailblazers of the mind—Josef Breuer [1842 – 1925] and Sigmund Freud [1856 — 1939]. Their groundbreaking work laid the foundation for psychoanalysis, forever changing the way we understand and heal the human psyche. But their influence didn’t stop there.

Imagine a time when the unconscious held the key to our deepest struggles, and unlocking its secrets meant liberation and healing. Josef Breuer, an Austrian physician and physiologist, discovered the power of delving into the past to relieve symptoms of hysteria. Through hypnosis, he helped a patient named Anna O. recall long-forgotten experiences, leading to the groundbreaking realization that neurotic symptoms arise from unconscious processes.

Inspired by Breuer’s revelations, Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, expanded upon these ideas. He pioneered the notion of making the unconscious conscious, unveiling the hidden recesses of the mind and offering individuals the chance to reclaim their agency and find true healing. The concept of psychoanalysis was born—an intimate dialogue between patient and psychoanalyst that could transform lives.

Among the techniques they developed, one stood out: going back to the origins of a problem. By exploring the depths of the unconscious and uncovering the root causes, individuals could gain profound insights into their own psyches. Additionally, the practice of free association allowed thoughts to flow freely, leading to the unearthing of hidden connections and a deeper understanding of the self.

Today, these transformative ideas have found a new home in the patent-pending Amarantos 15-stage PLRT process, building upon the rich legacy of psychoanalysis and regression work, has woven together elements of hypnosis, regression therapy, and psychoanalytic principles. This unique approach guides individuals on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and healing.

The Amarantos 15-stage PLRT process serves as a structured roadmap to explore past lives and unresolved issues that reverberate through our present existence. Through deep memory recall and emotional release, individuals gain profound insights, dissolve emotional barriers, and unlock their true potential for growth and transformation.

Witness the convergence of historical brilliance and modern innovation as the pioneering work of Breuer and Freud finds new life in the Amarantos to embrace the power within and embark on a transformative odyssey that will forever shape our client’s future. 

Carl Gustav Jung

Carl Jung Active-Imagination-PLRT
Dr. Carl Jung | Swiss Psychiatrist| Founder of Analytical Psychology

Father of psychiatry and the founder of analytical psychology– Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, [pronounced as Young] a renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist, stands as a towering figure in the realms of the mind. As the Jung’s [1875 – 1961] revolutionary insights have left an indelible mark on our understanding of human consciousness and the mysteries of the psyche.

Jung ventured beyond the boundaries of traditional psychology, delving into the spiritual aspects of man’s nature and recognizing the existence of universal patterns that shape our lives. His exploration led him to develop the concept of the collective unconscious—a reservoir of shared symbols, archetypes, and experiences that transcend individuality and connect us to a larger, collective tapestry.

One of Jung’s significant contributions was his concept of individuation—the psychological process of integrating the opposites within ourselves. This process involves harmonizing the conscious and unconscious aspects of our psyche, allowing for a deeper understanding of our true selves. Jung believed that individuation was the central pathway to human development, leading individuals to embrace their unique identities and discover their authentic purpose in life.

Jung’s work extended beyond the boundaries of psychiatry, influencing diverse fields such as philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, literature, and religious studies. He was a prolific writer, leaving behind a vast body of work that continues to inspire and provoke contemplation. Many of his writings were published posthumously, unveiling the full breadth of his insights to future generations.

Within the realm of therapy, Jung introduced the concept of Active Imagination—a method through which individuals engage in a dialogue with their unconscious. This powerful tool allows for the exploration of symbolic images, dreams, and fantasies, providing a gateway to the depths of the psyche and the realms of the unconscious mind. Active imagination serves as a catalyst for self-discovery, healing, and transformation.

It is within this rich tapestry of Jungian principles that Amarantos has woven its innovative approach to healing and growth. The Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT process draws inspiration from Jung’s ideas on:

  • Individuation
  • Synchronicity
  • Collective unconscious
  • Active imagination 
  • Exploration of archetypal patterns.

This transformative journey encompasses the parapsychological aspects of our existence and embraces the synchronicities that guide our path.

We embrace the legacy of Carl Gustav Jung, the visionary who dared to explore the depths of the human psyche and shed light on our shared humanity. Allowing Amarantos to guide our clients on a remarkable odyssey of self-discovery, where the realms of psychology and spirituality merge, and the power of active imagination paves the way to profound healing and transformation.

Embrace the transformative power of the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT to step into the world of analytical psychology, where the mysteries of the unconscious become gateways to self-realization and embark on an extraordinary journey, aligning your conscious and unconscious realms, and unlocking the vast potential that resides within the client.

"Synchronicity" was coined by Jung, It means, it like that special feeling or thought that something amazing is going to happen, and then it did! Well, that's a little bit like synchronicity. It's when things in life seem to come together in a special way, almost like magic. Sometimes, you might think of a friend you haven't seen or talked to in a while, and then you bump into them at the park or they call you! Or maybe you wish for a sunny day, and the next morning the sun is shining brightly. It's like the universe is sending little signs to show that things are connected and that good things can happen when we least expect them.

Dr Roger Woolger

Dr. Roger Woolger, a distinguished British-American psychotherapist, lecturer, and author, dedicated his life to the exploration of past life regression, spirit release, and shamanic healing. With a profound educational background, he earned degrees in psychology, religion, and philosophy from the esteemed University of Oxford and King’s College London. His passion for unraveling the mysteries of the human psyche led him to attain a PhD in comparative religion from King’s College, further expanding his understanding of the spiritual dimensions of our existence.

Dr. Woolger’s journey into the realm of PLR began with a realization that the flow of healing could be accessed by moving backward in time, guided by feelings or physical sensations. This unique approach, which he termed the “Flowing Backwards” technique, allowed individuals to tap into their past life memories and access unresolved traumas that continue to impact their present lives.

Through years of dedicated research and practice, Dr. Woolger developed his groundbreaking therapeutic approach known as Deep Memory Process. This transformative method integrated various modalities, including trauma release, psychodrama, deep body therapy, Tibetan “bardo” work, and shamanic spirit release. The synthesis of these diverse elements created a holistic healing experience, delving into the depths of the psyche and providing profound spiritual insights.

Dr. Woolger’s invaluable contributions to the field of PLRT were eloquently documented in his book, “The Journal of Regression Therapy.” In this seminal work, he elucidated psychotherapeutic assumptions and hypotheses, substantiating them with meticulously selected case studies. Drawing from his background in conventional Jungian therapy methods and dreamwork, Dr. Woolger discovered the therapeutic and spiritual potential in past life memories. These vivid images became windows into the soul, offering profound insights and facilitating deep healing.

The profound influence of Dr. Roger Woolger’s work extends to transformative Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Technique. The principles and techniques embedded within this process bear the imprint of Dr. Woolger’s visionary work. By integrating the wisdom of Deep Memory Process, we are able to provide our clients a transformative journey, allowing them to heal past traumas, explore their spiritual dimensions, and gain a profound understanding of their eternal journey.

Dr. Lawrence LeShan

In the transformative era of the 1960s, a remarkable journey began for Dr. Lawrence LeShan, a distinguished Humanistic psychologist, researcher, and prolific writer. Armed with skepticism and a quest to debunk the existence of the paranormal, Dr. LeShan embarked on a scientific exploration that would forever alter his perceptions.

Initially convinced that paranormal phenomena could not withstand scientific scrutiny, Dr. LeShan meticulously designed experiments and conducted rigorous research to expose what he believed to be mere illusions. To his astonishment, his scientific inquiry led him down an unexpected path. The scientific journals and reputable works he encountered during his investigation presented compelling evidence in support of the paranormal.

Perplexed and determined to remain true to his scientific principles, Dr. LeShan courageously confronted the data that defied his initial beliefs. He found himself faced with an undeniable truth: the phenomena he had set out to debunk were far from invalid. As a dedicated scientist, he fearlessly presented his findings, challenging the prevailing scientific discourse and paving the way for a paradigm shift.

Inspired by his newfound understanding of the interplay between mind, energy, and healing, Dr. LeShan delved into the realm of energy healing experiments. He explored the profound potential of harnessing and directing energy for healing purposes, uncovering a world where science and spirituality converged.

Dr. LeShan’s groundbreaking book, “The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist,” encapsulates his extraordinary journey and the revelations he encountered along the way. Through his work, he sheds light on the intricate relationship between the physical and metaphysical dimensions of existence. His insights into the realms of energy healing, spiritual phenomena, and the convergence of science and mysticism have inspired countless individuals to question conventional boundaries and embrace the extraordinary.

The profound impact of Dr. Lawrence LeShan’s work extends to the realm of Past Life Regression Therapy. The Amarantos Foundation draws upon his pioneering research, transformative insights, and the bridge he built between science and spirituality. Dr. LeShan’s influence is woven into the very fabric of the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process, enriching it with a deep understanding of energy, consciousness, and the limitless potential of the human spirit.

Dr Stanislav Grof

Dr. Stanislav Grof founders of the field of transpersonal psychology's influence on Amarantos 15 Stage PLRT process
Dr. Stanislav Grof founders of the field of transpersonal psychology's influence on Amarantos 15 Stage PLRT process

Dr. Stanislav Grof, a pioneering psychiatrist and one of the visionaries in the field of transpersonal psychology, has dedicated his life’s work to exploring the mysteries of the human psyche. With a profound understanding of non-ordinary states of consciousness, he has delved into realms beyond the ordinary, uncovering transformative insights, healing potential, and profound growth.

As one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, Dr. Grof has revolutionized the field by recognizing the importance of spiritual and transcendent experiences in human life. His research has shed light on the powerful potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness for personal growth, healing, and the exploration of the human psyche.

In his early work, Dr. Grof utilized the use of LSD to facilitate the recovery of birth memories in his patients. However, following the ban on LSD in the 1960s, he discovered alternative methods for accessing these profound memories. Through the use of carefully designed techniques involving music, breathing, and specific therapeutic approaches, Dr. Grof found that individuals could still access and recover birth memories without the use of psychedelic substances.

One of the notable contributions of Dr. Grof is the development of the concept of rebirthing. Drawing inspiration from his research and experiences, he established schools of rebirthing, where individuals engage in transformative practices aimed at revisiting and healing birth-related traumas. This approach recognizes the profound impact of the birth process on an individual’s psyche and offers a pathway for resolution and growth.

Dr. Grof’s groundbreaking work and insights have been documented in his influential book, “Psychedelic Realms of The Human Consciousness.” This seminal work explores the depths of human consciousness and unveils the transformative power of non-ordinary states of awareness.

For his significant contributions to the field of psychology, Dr. Grof received the prestigious VISION 97 award, granted by the Foundation of Dagmar. This recognition stands as a testament to the profound impact of his research and the invaluable insights he has brought to the world of psychology.

Dr. Grof’s research has demonstrated that birth memories and the exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness are not limited to the use of psychedelic substances. His work has shown that through the careful integration of various therapeutic techniques, individuals can access and heal profound memories and experiences from their birth process.

The Amarantos 15 Stage PLRT is inspired by the groundbreaking work of Dr. Stanislav Grof by integrating his insights on what we refer to as BRV internally to draw from the understanding of non-ordinary states of consciousness and the healing potential of birth memories, offering a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

Dr. Denys Kelsey

Dr. Denys Kelsey
Dr. Denys Kelsey

Dr. Denys Kelsey, a distinguished British psychiatrist, dedicated his career to exploring the intricate realms of human consciousness and the mysteries of our existence beyond the confines of the physical body. Delving into the depths of past life memories, Kelsey made groundbreaking discoveries that challenged conventional beliefs about memory and the nature of human consciousness.

One of Kelsey’s remarkable findings emerged when he encountered clients who claimed to remember events even before the development of their nervous systems at the time of their conception. Intrigued by this phenomenon, he delved deeper into the exploration of consciousness and memory, ultimately concluding that there must exist within human beings an element capable of functioning and recording events even in the absence of a physical body. His insights paved the way for a profound understanding of the eternal nature of the soul and its ability to retain memories across lifetimes.

To further illuminate his discoveries and share his insights with the world, Dr. Denys Kelsey penned a seminal book, aptly titled “Many Lifetimes.” Within its pages, he eloquently captured his findings, offering readers a window into the mysteries of past lives and the profound implications they hold for our understanding of human consciousness and spiritual evolution.

In the realm of past life exploration, Joan Grant emerges as a remarkable figure who played a pivotal role in shaping the field. As an assistant to a psychiatrist, Joan Grant herself possessed a deep connection to the realms beyond ordinary human experience. Her writings, including “Far Memory” and “Winged Pharaoh,” captivated readers with their vivid depictions of past lives and their profound impact on present-day experiences.

Dr. Denys Kelsey’s fascination with Joan Grant’s work led him to eagerly seek her out. Their meeting sparked a profound connection, eventually leading to their marriage. Together, they embarked on a journey to further explore the mysteries of past lives and delve into the depths of human consciousness.

Their collaborative efforts resulted in the development of the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process, a transformative approach to PLRT. Drawing inspiration from their shared insights and profound experiences, we’ve integrated the wisdom and teachings of Dr. Denys Kelsey and Joan Grant, offering individuals a unique pathway to self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.

“Historians claimed that the calendar used in the book [by Joan Grant] had never existed and also that there was no evidence whatsoever for the existence of an avenue of trees referred to in the book. After World War II a text was found “Template:Where? who?” which when translated proved to be the calendar referred to by Grant in the 1937 book”

Dr. Helen Wambach

Dr. Helen Wambach
Dr. Helen Wambach

Dr. Helen Wambach, a trailblazing figure in the realm of past life research and reincarnation, stands as one of the earliest scientific investigators to delve into the mysteries of our previous existences. Her groundbreaking work revolutionized our understanding of the human journey beyond a single lifetime and paved the way for further exploration into the realms of consciousness.

Drawing upon her extensive background in psychology, Dr. Wambach embarked on a remarkable journey of scientific inquiry. Adopting a statistical approach, she conducted large workshops where she gathered detailed data on artifacts, customs, clothing, and other aspects of various time periods. In addition, she delved into the uncharted territory of future lifetimes, amassing a wealth of material that would contribute to the body of evidence supporting the concept of reincarnation.

Dr. Wambach’s pioneering efforts culminated in the publication of her influential book, “Reliving Past Lives.” In this groundbreaking work, she presented a scientific analysis based on the past lives reported by over 10,000 volunteers. Through meticulous examination and statistical analysis, she unveiled startling evidence in favor of reincarnation, challenging the prevailing notions of a singular existence.

The profound influence of Dr. Wambach’s research and findings extends to the field of PLRT. The Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process, stands as a testament to the impact of her work. Driven by the spirit of scientific exploration, Amarantos integrates the principles and insights derived from Dr. Wambach’s meticulous analysis. It harnesses the power of statistical evidence and objective research to guide individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.

By embracing the legacy of Dr. Helen Wambach, we invite you to unlock the doors to your past lives and tap into the profound wisdom that resides within. Through the rigorous application of scientific analysis and the integration of her pioneering techniques, the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process offers a unique opportunity for individuals to explore the depths of their consciousness, unravel the mysteries of their past lives, and unlock the keys to personal growth and self-realization and experience the transformative power, where the scientific inquiry meets the spiritual quest for self-discovery. 

“Upper class lives was in exactly the same proportion to the estimates of historians of the class distribution of the period”
- “50.6 % of the past lives reported were male and 49.4 % were female”
“'I don't believe in reincarnation — I know it!'” - Dr. Helen Wambach

Dr. Chet Snow

Dr. Chet Snow, a renowned figure and a dedicated student of the esteemed Dr. Helen Wambach, emerged as a beacon of knowledge and insight in the realm of PLRT. Following Wambach’s passing, Dr. Snow continued her legacy, weaving his own unique contributions into the fabric of this profound field of exploration.

One of Dr. Snow’s notable accomplishments came to fruition with the publication of “Mass Dreams of the Future.” This groundbreaking work delves into the extraordinary phenomenon of shared dreams, where groups of individuals experience vivid and prophetic dreams that offer glimpses into the collective destiny of humanity. Dr. Snow’s meticulous research and profound insights shed light on the interconnectedness of human consciousness and the profound potential for shared experiences beyond the boundaries of time and space.

Amarantos’ unwavering commitment to innovation and the expansion of consciousness, has been deeply influenced by Dr. Chet Snow’s pioneering work. The principles and revelations unveiled in “Mass Dreams of the Future” have seamlessly integrated into the transformative Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. This integration has allowed individuals embarking on the PLRT journey to explore not only their personal past lives but also the potential future trajectories of humanity as revealed through shared dreams.

He illuminates the profound interconnectedness of human experiences and the infinite possibilities that lie within the depths of our collective consciousness and help us embark on a journey of self-discovery that transcends the boundaries of time and space, interconnectedness of human consciousness on this extraordinary voyage of growth and enlightenment.

Ron Hubbards

Hubbard conducting a Dianetics seminar in Los Angeles, 1950
Hubbard conducting a Dianetics seminar in Los Angeles, 1950

L. Ron Hubbard, an influential American author and the visionary founder of the Church of Scientology, left an indelible mark on the landscape of spiritual exploration. His work and contributions have been recognized and celebrated, positioning him among the most significant Americans in history, as acknowledged by the esteemed Smithsonian magazine.

Hubbard’s groundbreaking book, “Have You Lived Before This Life?”, delves into the realms of past lives and the concept of reincarnation. Drawing upon his extensive research and personal experiences, Hubbard explored the depths of the human psyche, uncovering the mysteries of our existence beyond the confines of a single lifetime. His work resonated with countless individuals seeking answers to the age-old question of our eternal journey.

The Church of Scientology, founded by Hubbard, developed a unique approach to self-discovery and personal growth through their auditing process.

The basic principle of Dianetics was that the brain recorded every experience and event in a person’s life, even when unconscious. Bad or painful experiences were stored as what he called “engrams” in a “reactive mind”. These could be triggered later in life, causing emotional and physical problems. By carrying out a process he called “auditing”, a person could be regressed through his engrams to re-experiencing past experiences. This enabled engrams to be “cleared”. The subject, who would now be in a state of “Clear”, would have a perfectly functioning mind with an improved IQ and photographic memory.”

Through the auditing process, practitioners strive to attain a state of greater awareness, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment.

The transformative power of auditing has been woven into the Amarantos 15-Stag PLRT process in an innovative approach  and integrating the wisdom of Scientology’s auditing techniques, we are able to offer a profound and holistic journey for individuals seeking healing, self-awareness, and the unraveling of their past lives.

Dr. Norman Shealy

Dr Norman Shealy
Dr Norman Shealy

Dr. Norman Shealy, an American neurosurgeon and a true pioneer in the realm of holistic medicine. As the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, Dr. Shealy has been instrumental in bridging the gap between conventional and alternative healing practices.

With an impressive portfolio that includes nine patents for groundbreaking discoveries, Dr. Shealy’s innovative mindset has revolutionized the field of medicine. But his impact extends far beyond surgical procedures. Driven by his belief in the power of spirituality, he has explored the potential for using spirituality to reverse DNA damage, shedding light on the profound connection between our inner essence and physical health.

Inspired by Dr. Shealy’s visionary insight we have integrated his teachings into the transformative Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. This process combines the wisdom of PLRT with spirituality, offering individuals a profound journey of self-discovery and holistic healing.

“The Question is not whether the images and apparent memories evoked during such sessions are “real” and actually happen in chronological time, but more importantly, I believe that each episode provides an allegory from the subconscious, much more intense and vivid than any dream could possibly convey.”
--Dr. Norman Shealy

Dr. Edith Fiore

Dr. Edith Fiore, a distinguished psychologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Miami, stands as a prominent figure in the realm of PLRT. For over three decades, she practiced and shared her profound insights in California, leaving an indelible mark on the field of therapeutic exploration.

Just like many other PLRT therapists of her time, Dr. Fiore stumbled upon the wonders of PLR accidentally while conducting age regression with her clients. Through her groundbreaking work, she discovered the immense power of revisiting past lives as a transformative tool for healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.

Dr. Fiore’s notable contributions to the field of PLRT are reflected in her insightful books, including “You Have Been Here Before,” “The Unquiet Dead,” and “Encounters.” These works serve as guiding lights, offering profound insights into the realms of past lives, spirit attachments, and the deeper dimensions of human consciousness. Dr. Fiore’s writings have touched the lives of countless individuals, illuminating their understanding of the eternal journey of the soul.

Recognized for her expertise and pioneering techniques, Dr. Fiore has not only impacted individuals but also professionals worldwide. Through her national and international lectures, she has shared her innovative methodologies and trained over two thousand professionals in her transformative techniques. Her work has opened new horizons for therapists, empowering them to delve into the depths of the human psyche and facilitate profound healing and growth.

The influence of Dr. Edith Fiore’s work resonates deeply within the Amarantos revolutionary 15-Stage PLRT Process. Her groundbreaking insights and techniques have been seamlessly integrated into this transformative journey of self-discovery and offering Amarantos clients a comprehensive and powerful approach to unraveling their past lives, addressing emotional blocks, and fostering personal growth and empowerment.

Dr. Morris Netherton

Dr. Morris Netherton,  has made remarkable contributions to the field through his groundbreaking techniques and profound insights. With an extensive career spanning over many decades, Dr. Netherton has delved deep into the realms of past lives, unlocking the transformative potential hidden within each individual’s psyche.

One of Dr. Netherton’s notable contributions is the development of the “Affect Bridge” technique. This technique involves flowing backward on a feeling or physical sensation, allowing individuals to access deeply buried memories and experiences from their past lives. By bridging the gap between the present and the past, the Affect Bridge technique opens the doors to profound self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

Through his dedication and commitment to his craft, Dr. Netherton has conducted over 44,000  sessions to offer solace, understanding, and resolution to individuals navigating the complexities of their present lives, allowing them to heal emotional wounds and uncover the root causes of their challenges.

Dr. Netherton’s wisdom and expertise have been widely acclaimed, and his groundbreaking work has influenced the field of PLRT in profound ways. His book, “Past Lives Therapy,” serves as a definitive guide, shedding light on the intricacies of the therapeutic process and offering valuable insights into the profound healing potential of PLR.

The influence of Dr. Netherton’s work extends to the revolutionary Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. This patent-pending process, developed by Amarantos, draws inspiration from the pioneering techniques and principles put forth by Dr. Netherton. By integrating the wisdom of Affect Bridge and the profound insights gained through his extensive experience, offering a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.

Dr. Thorwald Dethlefsen

Dr. Thorwald Dethlefsen, a renowned German psychologist, embarked on a profound exploration of the human psyche and the mysteries of healing. His pioneering work and insights have left an indelible mark on the field of PLRT, revolutionizing the way we approach the healing journey.

Dethlefsen’s groundbreaking discoveries challenged traditional methods of induction, such as hypnosis, as he recognized that it granted excessive control to the therapist, potentially overshadowing the patient’s own empowerment and self-discovery. This realization led him to seek alternative approaches that would prioritize the autonomy and active participation of the individual on their healing path.

Inspired by his innovative ideas, we at Amarantos have embraced Dethlefsen’s profound insights, integrating them into the transformative Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. By shifting the focus from external control to inner empowerment, this process empowers individuals to take charge of their healing journey, allowing for deep self-exploration and personal growth.

Dethlefsen’s work emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of emotional and psychological distress, understanding that true healing lies in unraveling the underlying patterns and imbalances within the individual’s consciousness. By delving into the realms of past lives and the karmic imprints they carry, the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process allows individuals to explore their own soul’s journey, uncovering hidden aspects and finding resolution to long-standing issues, embraces a holistic approach to healing, integrating psychological insights, spiritual principles, and the power of self-discovery.

“Karma is the highest law in this universe. The expression of this is our fate.”
“Reincarnation is not a belief; it is a philosophy of life.”

-- Dr. Thorwald Dethlefsen

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s profound statement, “I’ve told my children that when I die, to release balloons in the sky to celebrate that I graduated. For me, death is a graduation,” reflects her unique perspective on the nature of death. Viewing death as a natural transition, a graduation to a higher realm, she embraced a perspective that emphasized the continuity of life beyond the physical realm.

Dr. Kübler-Ross a remarkable Swiss-born psychiatrist, forever transformed the field of death and dying studies and greater for having walked her talk.

Her pioneering work in near-death experiences and her profound insights into the human journey through grief have left an indelible mark on the realm of spiritual and emotional healing.

In 1970, Dr. Kübler-Ross delivered the iconic Ingersoll Lectures on Human Immortality at the prestigious University of Harvard. Her profound discourse, titled “On Death and Dying,” captivated audiences and initiated a transformative dialogue about the process of dying and the intricate emotions surrounding it. Her groundbreaking book, “On Death and Dying,” further delved into the realms of grief, loss, and the human experience of mortality.

Central to Dr. Kübler-Ross’s contribution was her groundbreaking model, often referred to as the Kübler-Ross model or the Five Stages of Grief. This model, based on her extensive research and firsthand experiences with terminally ill patients, provides a framework for understanding the emotional journey that individuals undergo when confronted with the imminent reality of death.

The Five Stages of Grief, as proposed by Dr. Kübler-Ross, include:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

These stages represent a pattern of emotional and psychological adjustment that individuals commonly experience as they come to terms with their mortality or cope with the loss of a loved one. The model has become a widely recognized and influential tool in the field of grief counseling and has provided solace and guidance to countless individuals navigating the complex terrain of loss.

The profound influence of Dr. Kübler-Ross’s transformative approach has contributed to the 15-Stage PLRT Process drawing inspiration from the wisdom embedded in the Five Stages of Grief, integrating the understanding of loss, acceptance, and the transcendence of death into its holistic therapeutic journey.

Dr. Raymond Moody

Dr. Raymond Moody, a distinguished psychologist and physician, has left an indelible mark on the realm of near-death experiences (NDE) and our understanding of the afterlife. Through his groundbreaking research and groundbreaking book, “Life After Life” published in 1975, Dr. Moody shed light on the profound mysteries that lie beyond the threshold of death.

Dr. Moody’s work brought forth the experiences of individuals who had encountered clinical death and returned with remarkable stories of the afterlife. These accounts provided invaluable insights into the realms of consciousness, spiritual transcendence, and the continuity of life beyond physical existence. His pioneering efforts helped shape the field of NDE research, opening new avenues for exploration and understanding.

The impact of Dr. Moody’s work resonates deeply within the realm of PLRT, as evidenced by its integration into the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process which has incorporated his findings into their transformative therapeutic approach.

By exploring the depths of past lives and the profound spiritual connections that transcend physicality Dr. Moody’s invaluable contributions to the field of NDE research and his exploration of the realms beyond physical existence have shaped the way we perceive life, death, and the intricate tapestry of our spiritual journey.

Dr. Ian Stevenson

Dr. Ian Stevenson, a renowned figure in the field of paranormal research, dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of reincarnation. His groundbreaking work challenged conventional notions of life and death, exploring the idea that emotions, memories, and even physical injuries could be carried over from one life to another. Through his extensive travels spanning over four decades, Dr. Stevenson embarked on a remarkable journey to document and investigate cases suggestive of past life memories.

Drawing upon his meticulous research, Dr. Stevenson encountered over 3,000 children from various corners of the globe who claimed to possess vivid recollections of past lives. His unparalleled dedication and unwavering commitment to scientific inquiry led him to meticulously gather evidence, documenting these extraordinary cases in his seminal book, “Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation.” This groundbreaking work captured the imagination of scholars, researchers, and spiritual seekers alike, offering profound insights into the enigma of human consciousness and the continuity of the soul.

Dr. Stevenson’s position was revolutionary, challenging traditional explanations for certain phobias, philias, unusual abilities, and illnesses that could not be accounted for by heredity or environmental factors alone. He proposed that these phenomena could be best understood through the lens of soul transfer, commonly referred to as reincarnation. According to Dr. Stevenson, reincarnation provided a compelling third explanation for the unexplained occurrences and idiosyncrasies found in individuals across different lifetimes.

The pioneering research and profound insights of Dr. Ian Stevenson have left an indelible mark on the field of reincarnation studies. His work has not only expanded our understanding of the complexities of human existence but has also influenced the development of the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process.

It was these findings of Dr. Stevenson’s which supported Dr. Weiss when his patient “Catherine” stumbled upon her past life memories and healed from her chronic conditions. 

Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas

Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas is honoured as the Alma Mater (God mother) of Dr. Venu Murthy, the founder of Amarantos. Her pioneering spirit, research, and dedication to the field have left an enduring legacy that continues to shape the practice of PLRTand the transformative Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process.

Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas was a remarkable scholar who made the most significant contribution to the field of PLRT. Born in Puget Sound, she embarked on a journey of academic excellence, earning her B.A. from the University of Washington. In 1949, she achieved a remarkable feat, becoming one of the first women to receive a Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

During her doctoral studies in Europe, she discovered the emerging discipline of Clinical Psychology, which sparked her interest and set her on a path of exploring various aspects of psychology. She had blessed fortune of meeting Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. 

Dr. Winafred delved into Jungian analysis and developed expertise in working with children and utilizing Rorschach tests. She was known for her versatility and her ability to adapt to different therapeutic approaches.

With an unwavering commitment to personal growth and exploration, Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas embraced a wide range of disciplines in the spiritual dimension. She delved into Rogerian therapy, Transpersonal Psychology, Transcendental Meditation, Progaff Journal Therapy, and Roberto Assagioli’s Psychosynthesis. These became integral stations on her transformative journey, shaping her understanding of the human psyche and its connection to spirituality.

Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas was a compassionate and forward-thinking clinician, particularly known for her understanding of LGBT psychology at a time when such perspectives were rare in the field. She approached her work with empathy and a deep respect for the individual’s unique journey.

In the late 1970s, as analytic therapists noticed their patients’ spontaneous regressions to childhood or past lives when exploring the causes of chronic issues, a new field began to emerge. Driven by her passion and extensive research, Dr. Winafred played a pivotal role in systematizing the process and establishing it as a therapeutic modality known as PLRT.

Her contributions as a pioneer in the field laid the foundation for its continued development and gained momentum through the work of renowned figures like Dr. Brian Weiss.

Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas’s impact extended beyond her groundbreaking work in PLRT. She was a founding member of the International Association for Regression Research & Therapies (formerly APRT) and established the Institute of Regression Therapy Training program in Sedona, AZ. Her expertise and insights also influenced the core faculty of the California School of Professional Psychology (now Alliant University).

Amarantos will ever remain grateful to her for the immense contribution she has made into delivering the 100% healing through the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT process.

“Increasing focus is now on souls journey.” “It is becoming clear that where regression therapy supersedes other therapies is in its more profound perspective on the meaning of life.”

--Dr. Winafred Blake

Some more stalwarts Who've contributed to Amarantos

Dr Joel Whitton

Dr. Joel Lloyd Whitton, a highly respected Toronto-based psychiatrist, left an indelible mark on the field of consciousness exploration and regression therapy. Born on July 12, 1945, and departing on July 22, 2017, his profound contributions continue to shape the understanding of the human psyche and our existence beyond the physical realm.

As a distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, York University, and Guelph University, as well as a dedicated staff member at a prominent Toronto hospital, Dr. Whitton dedicated his career to delving into the intricate domains of migraine, chronic pain, head injuries, and trauma. His tireless pursuit of knowledge led him to embrace the revolutionary technique of hypnotic regression, unlocking the hidden recesses of the human mind and exploring the often elusive periods between incarnations.

Drawing upon over 13 years of meticulous research and more than 30 compelling medical case histories, Dr. Whitton co-authored the groundbreaking book “Life Between Life.” In collaboration with his colleague, Joe Fisher, he unveiled a captivating exploration of the spiritual realm between incarnations. This insightful work shed light on the profound experiences individuals encounter during the transition from one life to another, offering glimpses into the soul’s journey and its interactions with the spiritual realm.

Dr. Whitton’s remarkable discoveries and insights have greatly influenced the development of the Amarantos transformative 15-Stage PLRT Process, born out of years of dedication and research, integrates the wisdom and techniques pioneered by Dr. Whitton. It provides individuals with a unique opportunity to delve into their past lives, explore the spiritual realms between incarnations, and uncover the profound wisdom and healing potential that lie within.

Dr. Glen Williston, a distinguished figure in the field of Counseling Psychology, has dedicated his career to unlocking the hidden depths of the human mind and soul. With an extensive background in teaching, clinical therapy, and hypnosis, Dr. Williston has emerged as a visionary leader, shaping the landscape of regression therapy and alternative healing practices.

With over 40 years of invaluable experience, Dr. Williston has honed his expertise and developed a highly effective protocol for regression therapy. As the founder and director of the Alternative Therapies Council in the USA, he has spearheaded the advancement and integration of alternative therapies into mainstream healing modalities.

In his groundbreaking book, “Discovering Your Past Lives” (formerly known as “Soul Search”), first published in 1983, Dr. Williston unravels the mysteries of past life regression, providing profound insights into the transformative power of exploring one’s previous incarnations. Through his compassionate and insightful guidance, he illuminates the path for individuals to uncover their hidden pasts, heal unresolved traumas, and tap into the wealth of wisdom and potential stored within their souls.

His innovative techniques and profound understanding of the human psyche form a cornerstone of the acclaimed Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. This process seamlessly integrates the wisdom and teachings of Dr. Williston, empowering individuals to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

Dr. Hans Ten Dam, an esteemed independent consultant, researcher, and an influential figure in the field of past-life therapy, has left an indelible mark on the exploration of consciousness and the depths of the human psyche. With a diverse background encompassing the occult, mysticism, Tarot, and reincarnation, Dr. Ten Dam’s vast knowledge and expertise have propelled him to the forefront of the regression therapy movement.

As a board member of the International Association of Regression Research Therapies in California and an esteemed member of the advisory team of the International Board of Regression Therapy in New York, Dr. Ten Dam has played a pivotal role in shaping the future of past-life therapy. His contributions to the field are not limited to research and consultation; he has also authored numerous compelling titles exploring the realms of mysticism, Tarot, and reincarnation, sharing his profound insights with the world.

Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process, infusing it with the richness of his research and profound understanding of the human psyche. Through his involvement with the foundation, Dr. Ten Dam continues to shape the landscape of past-life therapy, ensuring that the journey towards self-discovery, healing, and spiritual awakening remains at the forefront of the field.


Dr. Joe Fisher, a distinguished author and researcher, delved into the depths of the afterlife and the journey of the soul in his remarkable book, “Life Between Life.”

The profound insights and revelations presented in “Life Between Life” have had a significant impact on our pioneering 15-Stage PLRT Process. This innovative approach incorporates the understanding of the soul’s journey between lives, allowing individuals to explore the depths of their spiritual existence and unlock the hidden knowledge within.

Dr. Frederick Lenz III, a remarkable individual with a diverse array of talents and accomplishments, left an indelible mark on the spiritual landscape. Not only was he a Ph.D., but he also excelled as an author, software designer, businessman, and record producer. However, it was his role as a spiritual teacher that truly defined his legacy, as he introduced the teachings of American Buddhism to the world.

Drawing inspiration from various traditions, including Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, Vedanta, and Mysticism, Dr. Frederick Lenz III embarked on a mission to offer a modern interpretation of these ancient wisdom paths. Through his teachings, he sought to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western spiritual philosophies, guiding seekers towards enlightenment and self-realization.

One of Dr. Lenz’s notable contributions was his book “Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincarnation.” In this profound work, he explored the concept of past lives and the continuous journey of the soul through multiple incarnations. Dr. Lenz himself, known by his spiritual names Rama and Atmananda, claimed to have vivid memories of his earlier births, unveiling a remarkable connection to spiritual lineages of the past.

He clearly remembered and validates all his earlier births as

  • Zen Master, Kyoto, Japan 1531–1575
  • Head of Zen Order, Kyoto, Japan 1602–1671
  • Master of Monastery, Tibet 1725–1804
  • Jnana Yoga Master, India 1834–1905
  • Tibetan Lama, Head of Monastic Order, Tibet 1912–1945

His insights into American Buddhism, combined with the integration of diverse spiritual traditions, form an integral part of the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. This holistic and comprehensive journey of self-discovery and healing draws inspiration from Dr. Lenz’s teachings, empowering individuals to explore their past lives, resolve emotional blockages, and embrace their true essence.

In the 15-Stage PLRT Process, seekers can delve into the depths of their past lives, unravel karmic patterns, and awaken to their highest potential. The fusion of Dr. Lenz’s spiritual wisdom and the innovative techniques of Amarantos offers a unique and powerful path to self-realization, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment.

Dr. Irene Hickman, a distinguished Doctor of Osteopathy, embarked on a remarkable path of healing and self-discovery that would reshape the way she approached patient care. Early in her career, she found herself disillusioned with the limited results of her work as an Osteopathic Physician. Despite her efforts, a significant number of patients continued to struggle with illness, tension, worry, and unhappiness.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to uncover deeper healing modalities, Dr. Hickman embarked on a personal exploration of hypnotherapy. Through her own experiences, she discovered the profound benefits that could be derived from tapping into the power of the subconscious mind. Under the trance of hypnosis, individuals could transcend time and space, accessing distant memories and even recalling experiences from ancient times.

With each revelation, Dr. Hickman became increasingly convinced that within the depths of the subconscious mind resides a wellspring of wisdom and insight that surpasses our ordinary state of consciousness. Recognizing that emotional and physical ailments often have an underlying emotional source, she realized that by accessing these buried memories and unresolved experiences, true healing could take place.

Armed with this newfound understanding, Dr. Hickman integrated the principles of hypnotherapy into her practice, guiding her patients on transformative journeys into their past lives. By delving deep into their subconscious minds, individuals could revisit and relive past experiences, allowing for the release of emotional baggage and the resolution of longstanding issues. Dr. Hickman’s approach recognized that true healing encompassed not just the physical body but also the intricate landscape of emotions and experiences that shape our lives.

The profound influence of Dr. Irene Hickman’s work is palpable in the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. Her pioneering efforts paved the way for a holistic and multidimensional approach to Past Life Regression Therapy. Drawing upon the principles of hypnotherapy and the belief in the power of the subconscious mind, we incorporate Dr. Hickman’s insights to guide individuals on transformative journeys of self-discovery and healing.

Pioneer of Remote Depossession

In her work she suddenly found herself talking to a different person who was also occupying the body of the client and over many years helped these lost souls leave their host and go to the Light. It became obvious that many of the patient’s problems were from attached entities and when relieved of these attachments the problem was resolved.

She is the Author of “Mind Probe-Hypnosis”


Dr. Alfred Rupert Sheldrake, a distinguished English author, captivating public speaker, and esteemed researcher in the realm of parapsychology, has left an indelible mark on the scientific and metaphysical landscape. With a background as a biochemist and cell biologist at Cambridge University, Sheldrake’s explorations have transcended conventional boundaries, leading to groundbreaking theories and insights.

One of Sheldrake’s most renowned contributions to the scientific community is the concept of morphogenetic fields. These fields propose that there exists a collective memory embedded within nature itself, suggesting that all natural systems, ranging from termite colonies and pigeons to orchid plants and insulin molecules, inherit a shared memory from previous entities of their kind. Sheldrake’s hypothesis, known as “morphic resonance,” challenges the traditional understanding of development, inheritance, and memory in biology.

His work extends beyond the realms of conventional science, delving into paranormal phenomena and unconventional explanations for various biological processes. He explores subjects such as telepathy, precognition, and the psychic staring effect, proposing that these phenomena are interwoven with the concept of morphic resonance. By embracing the idea of telepathic interconnections between organisms, Sheldrake offers a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of all living beings.

The profound influence of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s work resonates within the field of Past Life Regression Therapy and the innovative Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. By incorporating the principles of morphic resonance and the interplay of collective memory within nature, we draw inspiration from Sheldrake’s paradigm-shifting concepts.

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s unwavering dedication to unraveling the mysteries of nature and expanding our understanding of consciousness has captivated audiences worldwide. Through his banned TED talk and extensive research, he has fearlessly explored unconventional avenues of inquiry, pushing the boundaries of scientific exploration. His pioneering ideas challenge the conventional scientific dogma and open doors to new realms of possibility.

Dr. Karl Schlotterbeck, a seasoned licensed psychologist with over 40 years of dedicated experience in unraveling the complexities of the human psyche. Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Schlotterbeck embarked on a profound exploration of various disciplines, spanning the realms of Depth psychology, Parapsychology, Biofeedback, Hypnosis, Shamans, Sufis, Swamis, Rosicrucians, and Native American spiritual teachers.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a deep passion for understanding the intricacies of the mind, Dr. Schlotterbeck ventured into the uncharted territories of human consciousness. He delved into the depths of Depth psychology, seeking to unearth the hidden realms of the unconscious and shed light on the underlying motivations and patterns that shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Parapsychology became another facet of Dr. Schlotterbeck’s exploration, as he sought to unravel the mysteries of psychic phenomena and the untapped potential of the human mind. Biofeedback and Hypnosis provided him with invaluable tools to facilitate healing and personal transformation, while his encounters with spiritual teachers from diverse traditions, such as Shamans, Sufis, Swamis, Rosicrucians, and Native American elders, enriched his understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

“Dr. Schlotterbeck’s extensive knowledge and profound insights have made a lasting impact on the field of psychology and spiritual exploration. His teachings and experiences have played a pivotal role in shaping the transformative journey of the Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process. This innovative approach to Past Life Regression Therapy integrates the wisdom and techniques derived from Dr. Schlotterbeck’s extensive studies and encounters with diverse spiritual traditions. As we continue to be guided by Schlotterbeck’s wisdom, his teachings inspire us to facilitate healing, foster self-awareness, and nurture spiritual growth. It is on this path of profound growth and enlightenment that healing and self-realization harmoniously converge.”

In the realm of PLRT, Dr. Garrett Oppenheim stands as a distinguished figure, illuminating the path of discovery and healing. In 1986, a remarkable encounter took place between Dr. Oppenheim and a woman known as “Monica,” whose life would be forever transformed through the exploration of her past lives.

Under the guidance of Dr. Oppenheim, Monica embarked on a profound regression journey, delving into the depths of her soul’s history. As the layers of time peeled away, Monica unearthed a captivating revelation—a previous existence as a man named John Ralph Wainwright. John’s life unfolded in the southwestern United States, with glimpses into his relationships and memories of his brothers and sisters.

John’s life story took shape before Monica’s eyes. He grew up in the vibrant landscapes of Wisconsin and Arizona, forging a path that led him to become a deputy sheriff. Love found its way into his heart as he married the daughter of a prominent bank president, intertwining their destinies.

Yet, John’s fate took a tragic turn. According to Monica’s vivid recollection, he met his untimely demise in the line of duty. Shot by three men he had once sent to jail, John’s life was cut short on that fateful day—July 7, 1907.

The profound insights garnered through Monica’s regression, facilitated by Dr. Oppenheim, serve as a testament to the power of exploring past lives. The discoveries made during this extraordinary journey have deeply influenced the development of the renowned Amarantos 15-Stage PLRT Process.



Marcia Sheldon Moore was the daughter of Robert L. Moore, who founded the Sheraton Hotel chain.
Hypersentience consciousness in which paranormal material is contacted.
Book “Windows of the mind”.

Along with lecturing to promote her books, Moore worked as a yoga teacher and astrological counselor. She eventually developed her own approach to reincarnation therapy, which she called “hypersentience”.

In 1952, Colorado businessman and amateur hypnotist Morey Bernstein put housewife Virginia Tighe of, Colorado, in a trance that sparked off startling revelations about Tighe’s past life as a 19th-century Irishwoman named Bridey Murphy and her rebirth in the United States 59 years later.

Bernstein used a technique called hypnotic regression, during which the subject is gradually taken back to childhood. 

He then attempted to take Virginia one step further, before birth, and was astonished to find he was listening to Bridey Murphy.

Some Myths With Regards To PLRT

In the realm of the extraordinary and miraculous, myths often emerge to shroud phenomena that defy conventional explanation. Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is no exception to this trend. As a therapeutic approach that delves into the depths of our past lives, PLRT can be perceived as miraculous or fantastical by those unfamiliar with its intricacies.

Let’s debunk some common misconceptions surrounding PLRT.

We hope to provide the insights and clarifications, helping readers gain a more accurate understanding of PLRT.



Fears Related To PLR