go instead where there is no path and leave a trail
said the greatest philosopher of all times, Ralph Waldo Emerson! Maybe he meant Pooja..
In the first act of her life Pooja was taking her well-reputed family restaurant in Delhi to great heights.
(In Aug of 2017, on my way back from the Himalayas I was lucky to have had lunch in her restaurant and it was one of the most delicious food I ever had. So delicious that we missed our flight to Bangalore.
Anyway she had been short-listed for the Amarantos PLRT Program as a part of the Constellation Batch (Dec 2016.) Below is the experience she shared right after the program where she said “Life-changing and never forgetting time.”
Amarantos Past Life Regression Therapy Training - Christmas 2016 Batch
At the time, I did not know that she would take PLRT to these heights.
Once again she came to guide the students passing out of the Aug 2017 batch and shared how unwell she was on the day she was to come for her training in Amarantos and escaped while being taken for an MRI. She realized how she could cure herself through the power of her own mind and went back to surprise her doctor with the sponteneous remission of symtoms she had.
Amarantos PLRT Seniors from 2016 speaking to their 2017 Batchmates
And started her PLRT practice under the banner of Esperance PLRT. She tried running it in parallel to her restaurant.
But Pooja’s inclination to conduct PLRT sessions over running her restaurant made her seek internship under a Psychiatrist in Delhi. With her determination, she healed a Psychiatrist’s client, who was not yielding to his conventional treatment. The experienced doctor was astonished at the miracles she was doing with the help of PLRT and started referring all his patients with stuborn chronic mental health condition to her. Once again after two years of her training, Pooja came all the way to Bangalore for the Alumni meetup and spoke about her experience as in the video below
Amarantos Alumni Meetup
Seems like she has been giving me a surprise every year and this year she has finally overcome all the hurdles and submitted her Project Dissertation “Effectiveness of PLRT on Depression & Anxiety Disorders.” for her Masters in Psychology.
I am sure the next surprise from her would her Doctorate in PLRT. Kudos to you Pooja in your second act.
Below is a medal of honour that I’ve received from her and sharing it with you all to prove how true Emerson is!
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.