World's #1
Past Life Regression Therapy Institute
Welcomes you!

Now That You Are Here !


Amarantos® Foundation feels blessed in having trained successfully even Doctors, Psychiatrists and Psychologists in this astounding science of new-age healing.


Sharing Excellence For Free

Awarded or Recognised Nonprofit Organisation For Putting People First.
Dr. Brain Weiss and Dr. Venu Murthy Training


Moreover, in experiencing the joy of sharing Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT), for more than a decade now. 

Amarantos 12 years Anniversary of excellence in Past Life Regression

Amarantos® stands for the “The Immortal Flower” in Greek–Which is what YOU really are!

"[Amarantos] PLR is the best thing that happened to me."

Dr. Nisha was trained by Amarantos® in Dec 2016 and these were her words after five years of having launched her PLRT practice.

Amarantos Past Life Regression Therapy Logo

What is Amarantos® PLRT?

Patanjalian Prati-Prasav

Maharishi Patanjali | Compiler of Yoga sutras -- The authoritarian treatise on Yoga

Jungian Active Imagination

Carl Jung Active-Imagination-PLRT
Dr. Carl Jung | Swiss Psychiatrist| Founder of Analytical Psychology

Freudian Free Association

Sigmund Freud's Free Association in PLRT
Dr. Sigmund Freud | Austrian Neurologist | Founder of Psychoanalysis

Master Edgar Cayce
Dr. Winfred Blake

Dr.  Brian Weiss M. D.
Dr. Raymond Moody
Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Dr. Edith Fiore
Dr. Stanislav Grof
Dr. Chet Snow
Dr. Gina Cemenira
Dr. Irene Hickman
Dr. Michael Newton
Dr. Ian Stevenson
Dr. Roger Woolger
Dr. Hans TenDam
Dr. Morris Netherton
Dr. Glenn Williston
Dr. Helen Barbera

Dr. Milton Erickson

and time-tested accredited techniques by such stalwarts.

True inspiring story highlights the profound ripple effect of healing

Using EEG for Healing Through Past Life Regression Therapy

Here is one of the EEG report of a  client who was on psychiatric medications earlier for anxiety and the calmness levels (computed based on alpha and delta brainwave ) at the time of intake was at 28% with the pain level at 10 which is the max on the universal pain scale. 

Post the Amarantos PLR session we see the pain levels dropped to Zero! And the EEG registering a confirmation with calmness levels at 62%. Almost a 221% healing.

100 %

Amarantos Programs are objective and evidence-based. In a recent survey, the participants reported this level of healing.

Amarantos Trained Therapists

Due to the intensive support provided almost all our students become very successful PLR Therapists.

Number of Applicants For This Program

Applicants for all our programs are shortlisted to ensure you get a safe and friendly company. 

Learn Complete PLRT Professionally through Amarantos® Master Class and start your own practice.

In this only once a year program we share our decade (11 years) long experience based on the research of genuine masters over the past 8000 years.

Which includes:

We shortlist only aspirants who demonstrate the potential of being an exceptionally great Amarantos® Certified Professional Past Life Regression Therapist. 

Now, this could be you if all that you have on your mind is to excel in this art and science.

We have consistently demonstrated even in the past that not just Doctors and health workers but even Charted Accountants, students, and homemakers can be exceptionally great PLR Therapists with the support of Amarantos.

How do we do that?

This is done by choosing a dedicated set of individuals and restricting the batch size to provide Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)


  • On-Campus – 5 days,
  • Online – 6+ months

Post Program Support

It is our responsibility to support you in being a successful PLRT Professional and help you generate consistent monthly income. 

Amarantos Trained PLR Therapists generally end up maintaining a 3 months waitlist. 

Bonus, Our workshops have also proven to bring 300% healing. So heal yourself and also learn to heal your loved ones or your patients. 

Amarantos Certified Professional Past LIfe Regression Therapist Badge

"The only course you need to Master Professional Past Life Regression Therapy!"

“It was a homecoming in lots of ways. A humbling experience… As a psychiatrist, I felt there was a lot more to learn beyond the medical model of understanding the mind. Thank you, Venu from bottom of my heart..
Amarantos Training Psychiatrists in Past Life Regression Therapy
Dr. Malladi S.

He had attended the Amarantos PLRT Intensive Training and Experiential Workshop in the Aug of 2018 — Aster batch. 

Huge PLRT Giveaways For Free

So that You can Healing Yourself!

For a limited period of time all the Amarantos produced content in the field of excellence in PLRT is being shared with you for free.


Experience of Your PLRT Session @Amarantos with the patent pending 15 Stage PLRT process.

"Why Me?" Is the Latest Book from Amarantos to help you get insights into your age-old issues. It is based on real life case studies at Amarantos.

Rs. 1999 on Amazon Kindle


"Discover solid daily exercises to overcome your recurring issues. "

"Launch your journey into self discovery. "

One on One Amarantos Past Life Regression Therapy Session

(Note: If you are someone who googles for cheap deals, Amarantos might not be for you. You may come over when those deals haven’t worked out for you.)

Due to the 100% healing from the Amarantos 15 stage PLRT, there is, unfortunately, a long waitlist for a One-on-One session with the world’s topmost PLR therapist.

These sessions are only offered to:-

  1. Amarantians (Amarantos® Certified/Trained Professional Past Life Regression Therapists.)
  2. Referrals and Escalations from Amarantians.
  3. Patients with serious illnesses. (Like Last Stage Cancer and etc.)
Amarantos Forum For Past LIfe Regression Therapists To Get Help Related To their Practice For Free

Join The Amarantos Forum To Get Free PLR Related Help

The first of it's kind in the world --Amarantos Forum For Past LIfe Regression Therapists To Get Help Related To their Practice For Free

Free Book MY Mystical Past-Life Regression Therapy True Story Of A Young Computer Scientist's Encounter With Reincarnation

Free For a Limited Period Of Time

You can read some of the chapters for free here.

Thank you for dropping by🙏
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